Curriculum & Philosophy

Our approach to learning is influenced by the educators of Reggio Emelia and Maria Montessori, Italy. Their work and thinking have helped to shape our fundamental belief that people learn best when they actively construct their own learning.


Learning Areas

  • Free play – indoor and outdoor
  • Movement based activities
  • Stories, verse, rhyme
  • Music – instruments, singing and dance
  • Creative opportunities – drawing, painting, building, crafts and handwork
  • Cooking/baking
  • Grace and courtesy
  • Practical life skills
  • Sensorial
  • Language and literacy
  • Math and Numeracy
  • Culture – our world

The Environment

The environment is known as the third teacher because of the potential it has to inspire children. The environment is filled with natural light, order and beauty. Classrooms are set up for open ended play, community activities and investigation. Classrooms respect that children are capable, thus providing them with real tools and materials. We incorporate themes throughout the year. The spaces are cared for by the children and the adults.

The Hundred Languages of Children

The Hundred Languages of Children are based on the belief that children use many different ways to learn, express their understanding, thoughts and creativity. A hundred ways of thinking and discovering– working through arts, crafts, music, movement, pretend play and more. Each one of the hundred languages need to be valued and nurtured. These languages, or ways of learning, are all a part of the child. Learning and play are not separated. The Reggio Emilia Approach emphasises hands-on discovery learning that allows the child to use all their senses and all their languages to learn.

Documenting / Progress Reporting

There is an emphasis on documenting and displaying children’s thoughts and work. There are many ways in which this is done: photographs, transcripts of children’s thoughts and explanations, visual representations, all designed to show the Childs learning progress. We use childcare software as a platform to document your child’s growth and development, to communicate with parents so that they are better able to connect with their children about their daily life at preschool.

Special Days

Every term comes with its own set of outings and special days. Some highlights are the Market day, occupation theme, animal farm, spring picnic, nature days at the botanical gardens, Santa shoe box, bike days and many more!